Faith in Action
Addiction to Drugs or Alcohol…There is HelpDoug Witt, a parishioner and recovering addict would like to talk with you about healing. Call the parish office for more information if you are interested in the ministry or would like more information.
Saint Brigid’s PantryHow we serve: Each month donations for the poor will be collected and distributed to established organizations that are best equipped and currently serving the poor. Donations of can goods and paper products may be brought any weekend to the parish and placed on the shelves located on the upper level by the elevator. Collections will be delivered to the established organizations the first week of the following month of the collection, for example: January’s collection will be delivered the first week of February.
Please say the following prayer when compiling your donation:
A Prayer of Thanksgiving
Thank you Lord, for making my life free of serious want. Protect those in need with food this day. Give me a chance to nourish the poor through my compassion. Help me to see the hungry and never turn away. We ask this through Christ our Lord, Amen.
Ladies Altar SocietyTaking care of the Altar and Sacred Linens
Although their main ministry is taking care of the altar and everything which keeps it beautiful and functional, including the care of sacred linens, The Ladies Altar Society works hard to support the parish in other ways as well. Not only that, but they honor the parish mothers and fathers on their special days in May and June each year. Their devotion is to St. Francis, whose feast day is on the 4th of October. Each year, they received a blessing together, as a group during Mass from Fr. Jeff in honor of their patron saint, St. Francis. If you are interested in this ministry, contact Mary Ann Wilson or just come. They meet once a month, in the Parish Hall. Ladies, come join us!
Lay ApostolateAs Lay Apostles of Jesus Christ the Returning King, we agree to perform our basic obligations as practicing Catholics. Additionally, we adopt the following spiritual practices, as best we can:
- Allegiance Prayer and Morning Offering, plus a brief prayer for the Holy Father.
- Eucharistic Adoration – one hour per week
- Prayer Group Participation – monthly, where we pray the Luminous Mysteries of the Holy Rosary and read the Monthly Message.
- Monthly Confession
- Further, we follow the example of Jesus Christ as set out in Holy Scripture, treating all others in His patience and kindness.
Ministry for Alternatives to Contraception and Women with Irregular Cycles You would work with Dr. Kim Sanders. Call the office for more information if you are interested in the ministry or would like more information contact the parish office.
Welcome Committee
Greeting guests and parishionersCall the office for more information if you are interested in the ministry or would like more information or contact Mary Ann Wilson.