New Adams New Eves in the Praying Hands of God
For Nothing is Impossible for God
Author Fr. Jeff VonLehmen

Here is What We Learned as: New Adams and New Eves In the Praying Hands of God
This is a summarization of the discussion points from the spiritual resource and book study of “New Adams New Eves In the Praying Hands of God For Nothing Is Impossible For God” with Fr. Jeff.
- Gift of Christos to the soul, as mapped out in “New Adam New Eves.
- Each person has a soul
- That means, we are all made to pray, whether man or woman, old or young, religious or not. We can all heal by contemplating God’s Face.
- The souls of men and women are different.
- The woman can find herself in the Beauty of God, reflected in the beauty in her soul.
- A man can find himself in the Truth of God, reflected in the truth of his soul.
- Men and women do not complete each other, but there is something in the man’s soul and something in the woman’s soul, which help each other to be open to God and be completed by God. “My heart is restless until it rests in You.
- Men and women relationships are necessary for each other’s spiritual growth and children’s growth. Again, they do not complete each other, but help each other to be completed by God.
- This happens sacramentally, as well through the relationship between the Bride (Catholic Church) and the Groom (Christ). We grow by participating in this relationship sacramentally: Baptism, Eucharist, and Confirmation.
- Each man must have a fundamental relationship with beauty through the soul of a woman or women, who are striving for holiness, in order to properly relate to others, whether man or woman or God (these can be father-daughter, son-mother, brother-sister, holy friendships, Church Bride-Holy Father, etc.).
- Each woman must have a fundamental relationship with truth through the soul of man or men, who striving for holiness in order to properly relate to others, whether man or woman or God (again, these relationships can very as above).
- Men and women are necessary to help develop obedience (listening heart), and humility (humble intellect) in each other’s soul. Again, they are necessary to each other in the development of his or her soul, but cannot complete each other. Only God can fulfill us.
- Each person is ultimately responsible for the state of his or her soul, whereby the soul, via contemplation, places herself or himself in the praying hands of God. Here, we become New Adams, New Eves. In the Praying Hands of God, there is so much healing of non-relational issues or anti-relational issues, self-affirming behaviors, self-hatred, shame, anger, grief, fear, and doubts about a loving God, etc. Sacraments are so much a part of this healing process! The fruit of goodness that results: we treat ourselves and others as persons not objects, as we help each other grow closer to God in Christ by the Holy Spirit.