

COVID-19 Update (July 2020)  Masks
Coleen Hamilton
/ Categories: Church News

COVID-19 Update (July 2020) Masks

Tuesday, July 14, 2020

We are following state and church guidelines regarding  masks and social distancing.

However, it is not about following rules.  It is about solidarity.  If we all together wear masks, it is only for the sake of the most vulnerable.

We want to keep it at the level of charity rather than get involved in all of the politics surrounding COVID-19.

Also, it seems wearing masks may be the lesser of two evils: My personal hope is that by wearing masks, we can keep businesses open and prevent lockdowns.  This will support the family financial situation . Hopefully, wearing masks allow us some public interaction and to develop a herd immunization to the virus.

So keep coming to Mass, if you can.  The masks we wear only out of charity for the time being, until we get less conflicted medical advice.

In reality, we are following two principles of love: one is solidarity, and the other is the lesser of two evils.

There can be exceptions, as we know.  Some persons cannot wear masks for health reasons, as well.

So, we want to be respectful and not judge one another.

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